Do you love a matcha latte? Let us show you how simple it is to make one at home! Matcha can seem mysterious, but it's really quite simple. Just requires a few helpful tools and your favorite matcha. We suggest either the Amai Matcha or the Ceremonial Matcha, depending on your taste mood.
Making a matcha latte at home allows you the flexibility to play with this vibrant green and healthy “green espresso”! You can craft your own recipes starting from our simple matcha latte recipe and guide below. You can try different types of milk, ingredients like ginger juice or additional sweeteners like honey, maple syrup or agave. Keep in mind that our Amai Matcha is already blended with raw, organic sugar, whereas our ceremonial matcha is of a higher grade and is made purely of green tea leaves. When you’re at home, you can experiment with matcha bark, tiramisu and even ice cream! Recipes are available in our Matcha Recipe Guide.
To make a matcha latte at home, here’s what you will need:
- Firepot Organic Ceremonial Matcha
- Matcha Spoon (Chashaku, in Japanese)
- Strainer
- Matcha Whisk (Chasen, in Japanese)
- Matcha Bowl (Chawan, in Japanese) or Firepot Matcha Bowl
- Milk
- Hot Water
- Sift 1 teaspoon of ceremonial or Amai matcha in your matcha bowl
- Pour a splash of hot water into the bowl
- Whisk the matcha and the water together to make a green matcha shot
~ To whisk, think about moving the whisk in the shape of a “W” - Add either hot or cold milk and sweetener if you like.
Now that you are comfortable making matcha at home, begin experimenting with your own preferences in flavors. To get started, we suggest the Cardamom Matcha Latte.